11 Tools Plus One for Creating Impact from the Inside Out


First-Gen Conscious Business & Social Impact Leaders  committed to systemic change


from the 
Inside Out



With Increasing Demand!


What works best for you?


Thursday evenings 6-8pm (PT) - 11/14, 11/21, 12/5, 12/12, 12/19

Saturday mornings 9-11am (PT) - 11/16, 11/23, 12/7, 12/14, 12/21


* Want a FREE introduction to Priceless - Come to our EnergyLab: hear from previous participants, ask questions, and start learning new tools!


Next Free Intro/EnergyLab is 11/7, Thursday 6-7:30pm (PT)

Join us 



Are you leading systemic change in community, industry, or business? Priceless is a course designed to help you expand,  accelerate, and create impact from the inside out! It takes you on a journey that applies mindfulness and energy practices to making the difference you are committed to within community, humanity, and the planet. 


Did you know everything is energy and energy is everything? Energy is a language that can be learned. It's the language of abundance.


You may think this sounds a bit 'woo woo' - and really - it's just energy. Physicists study it. Physicians visualizes it in diagnostic machines. Psychologists find patterns and codify it. Healers help it align and flow. Like air, it is all around us and within us.


For four weeks (2 hours/week), you'll enter a safe, exciting, and yet calming space to pause, connect, and explore energy. The overwhelm,  doubt, or reactive responses to what is going on "out there" get replaced with "inner" confidence and unshakable peace.


What are participants saying?

Here's feedback from our August 2024 course:


“This is an incredibly power course that is going to change a lot of people’s lives.”


"I thought the name Priceless was cute and totally catchy at the beginning and at the end oooh, at the end, I totally felt that way! No way that anyone can take this course and not leave changed. It can change the outcome because it changes the inner. It is definitely priceless!"


 Entrepreneur & Educator

Achieve Success SUSTAINABLY!


Expand Your Business and Being-ness

Without Compromise!


 HELLO. Thank YOU for the difference that you are making! I'm JILL COURTENAY


My focus has always been on enterprise-wide technologies, the big picture, and systemic change. If I'm right, you are as well.


The night that changed everything for me began with  dreaming in numbers. My dreams became full of white boards with formulas, calculations, and equations. When a friend said, "Oh, that's quantum mechanics",  I delved into the fascinating field of energy and started learning it like a language. 


I realized that I, also, needed a foundational systemic (inner) shift. Bridging these worlds and supporting others, like you, continues to be my joy. 


My main focus is helping people remember how to use these tools in real-life scenarios. Seeing people streaming their life force energy and using  tools with their eyes open is distinctly different from what others teach.


It's important to practice alone in a safe "meditative" space and it's critical to have tools and be confident in using  them out in the world to maintain calm, be without resistance, and accelerate your contribution.




Is your heart bubbling,  stomach gurgling, or eyes crossing?



Schedule a 30-minute Discovery Call